Thursday, February 5, 2009

Paper Requirements


You must first come to an understanding with your instructor about what topic you will research in this paper. Your instructor has to approve your topic. Do not start researching your paper until this understanding has been reached. All main section titles are to be centered. Sub-titles within each section are to be flush left. Your paper should be typed or computer generated. If you do not have access to a typewriter or computer then you need to talk to your instructor. Your paper should be between 4 to 6 pages of text and should be double-spaced. All important information or factual statements must be in-text referenced. A minimum of two references is required; this requirement does not include encyclopedias or internet sources.

The draft paper will not account for any part of your final grade, but will give the instructor additional interaction with you in helping guide your work. If drafts are not turned in on the scheduled dates, they will not be accepted. The final paper will account for 10% of your final grade.

Your paper should research an appropriate sociological topic by an application of one the three major schools of sociology or theoretical perspectives of sociology. A complete paper will document the subject's social history, it present character, its scope of affect and/or effect, and the seriousness of its impact upon society. The use of the sociological imagination and the quality of the application of the chosen sociological perspective in your work will determine the paper grade.

Title page:

This page consists of your name and the title of your paper, centered on a single sheet.


The introduction of this paper tells the reader what topic you will be discussing and why you chose this subject (personal experience, a major topic, realistically being able to research it, etc.). This section introduces your specific interests within the subject matter and how you intended to explore it. You should also explain why this subject matter is considered to be a sociological topic and its importance in the field. This section should be no more than one (1) page.

Review of literature:

In this section you are to review and discuss your sources (newspapers, interviews, texts, journal articles, magazine articles, government documents, etc.). You should explain any statistical data you used and review any qualitative data applied within the subject you chose. Explain in sufficient detail how these sources related to the topic examined and what the authors of the cited research did and what they found. The works cited should support your interests identified in the introduction. The information presented should be of a scholarly nature and reflect an application of the sociological imagination, not ungeneralizable points, hyperbolic rhetoric, and personal opinions. This section should not be more than four (4) pages.
NOTE: In the review of literature you should be accomplishing three things. First, you will describe the subject you have selected to do your report from a perspective consistent with the sociological imagination. Second, you will clearly and in a detailed manner define and describe the theoretical perspective (functionalism, conflict theory or interactionism). and apply that theory perspective to explore your subject further. Finally, you will approach this entire project from the unbiased and value-free position of a social scientist.


In this section of the paper you will present your conclusions about the topic based on the information you presented in the paper's literature review. You will present what aspects of this information supported and contradicted your selected perspective. You should also suggest any changes in your approach that you feel could make it more insightful and any future research you think would be helpful. This section should be no more than one (1) page long.


The reference section of this paper will be your last page and will have the title centered and at the top of the page. You will cite every reference you used in your paper under MLA, ASA, or APA format. The text of your paper should be no longer than eight pages. Your outline, draft, and paper are required to be typed and double-spaced. You must have at least two references other than magazines, encyclopedias, or internet sources.

Additional Requirements:

You will be expected to clearly define issues discussed in class and apply them in guiding the exploration of your paper's subject. This is the key aspect of your paper. The paper should illustrate your understandings of the course concepts and apply them as they relate to the subject matter of your report.

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